What is Yeast? : The baker's best friend

In the olden days, the bakers and the brewers used to use hops or boiled potatoes for making wild yeast as a fermenting culture, and the fermentation process used to take a very very long time. However, now yeast is easily grown and is one of the most important ingredients used in bread making when it comes to fermentation. It's also known by the scientific name as “ Saccharomyces cerevisiae ” also commonly known as brewer's or baker’s yeast . The yeast plays a crucial role in several food products making processes such as baking, brewing, and winemaking. However, in this article, we'll understand what yeast is and what different usable forms it is available in the market close to their application in baking. Yeast is the heart and soul when it comes to bread making, providing the ideal chewy textured bread crumb with a crisp and crackly crust. For making bread, the dough is fermented for two main reasons, they are : A. Production of CO2 gas, that gives volume to the bread...